Monday 10 February 2020

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! (They Just - a - wanna)

I'm having a hard time these days.

See - I am someone who does everything from the point of view of how wonderful life is.

I have been accused of Pollyanna thinking, and I do understand that. I do admit that even my own life is harder than I tell myself. After all, I have problems with my kids, I have health issues, I have failed relationships and I have suffered loss.

The thing is, Cyndi Lauper really got to me, and I think girls (and boys) just want to have fun.

Can I defend this theologically? No. Can I defend this sociologically? No.

My only possible defense is two lesser used biblical lines - Moses says to the people of Israel when they are almost done wandering around in the desert - I put before you this day life or death... Choose life; while Jesus has this whole I came so that you might have abundant life bit (Deuteronomy 30 and John 10 - just in case you want to fact check me)

But the thing is - I think we are supposed to look for the good in life - and we are supposed to soak up the sunshine, the sunsets, the moments that make life worth living - and relax and let go of the negativity which would kill our mood.

But, as I said, I am having a hard time.

I see so much negativity. So much hate. So much pain. And I see people reveling in it.

I see religious folks saying that treating others as "less than" is appropriate and right. I see boomers attacking millenials and vice versa. I see entire systems of leadership devolving to grudge matches.

And yet, day after day, week after week, I write columns, and articles, and sermons trying to point us towards the good. 

And there are days I do not know how to justify it. If I write a column on winter tourism telling you to take in the ice caves on a hiking trail - or if I interview Dave Gunning and convince you to go to his concert - am I just promoting escapism from the real, painful, world we should immerse ourselves in?

If I preach a sermon and tell you that there are glimmers of good breaking through the cracks of a broken world am I just pulling the wool over your eyes?

A friend posted a question on the Facebook asking if Satan was beyond saving. It was not a metaphor - it was a religious question by someone who studies these things. And that led me down a rabbit hole of wondering about the good, the bad, and the ugly.

What is bad? What is good? How do you tell?

And is it pollyanna to say - we should be looking at how to enjoy ourselves in the midst of it all?

Just some pondering for all y'all.

Dreaming Different Futures

I read too much science fiction as a child - well - to be honest, Sci-Fi is still my staple. And for the most part, the "type" of ...